Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: CONgressional Boogie

Editor’s Note: Buckled down tight at the farm, being pummeled by the arctic blast from…Texas! We asked for dispensation, but that seems to be external to the situation. Was talking to some of the people huddled down by the Socotra Loading dock next to the barn to show compassion. Some of them think the Justice […]

Marlow’s Take: Nothing Burns Like the Cold

Editor’s Note: My Awning has not yet collapsed. It is still up, so I can testify the cold is not burning it. But noted poet Marlow has a couple thoughts on how this really works. In the meantime, it is Valentine’s Day, in which is what rational people might take delight. We will get back […]

Marlow: Seen at the local US Army Base’s Class Six store this morning

Editor’s Note: Amazon delivered two huge boxes filled with recliner chairs this morning, two days early in the storm confusion in Virginia’s Piedmont. Quite roaringly efficient. There is some other unsettling stuff going on around us. Climate Change is one of them, of course, and all the rest of the new Emergency culture in which […]

Marlow: Snakes and Scorpions

Editor’s Note: Arrias ran with something about the interesting collusion of Corporate and Government relations yesterday. Folks responded with thoughts about the astonishing flood of cash- some of it yours- that is washing through our institutions and media. It awoke ancient memories in me, a native Detroiter, about one of Henry Ford’s great experiments. Not […]

Marlow: Frozen

Editor’s Note: Marlow reflected the national scramble for COVID vaccine search earlier in the series. That experience has been reflected by many pals. I am uncertain about what to do about it, but Refuge Farm has a bit of distance from that particular aspect of this tumultuous year. Equally distant is memory, and this morning […]

Life & Island Times:Yes, Columbus Did Discover America

Editor’s Note: We are off to an exciting start to the new Administration! I looked on with wonder and appreciation at the thick sheaf of Executive Orders on President Biden’s desk. You know, the stuff that we debated extensively during the well-travelled campaign trail from the basement in Delaware to that car trip to Pennsylvania. […]

Life & Island Times: We Need Change

Editor’s Note: It is The Day, or at least one of them, and all the amazing things that have brought us from the ballot box(es) of November to the seasonally acceptable day in late January. It should be the concluding chapter in the exciting new Socotra best seller “The Seventy Days: Big Things in Motion.” […]

Life & Island Times: Workplace Violence

Editor’s Note: A blessed Sunday in the country. Even the animals who normally join us for sunrise were subdued. There is some attempt to rile us up. Part of Saturday was devoted to deconstructing a news flash about a man with non-government credentials and hundreds of rounds of ammunition attempting to gain access to the […]

Life & Island Times: Faces, Clothes, Shoes

Editor’s Note: Morning! I was wrestling with the topic of the tale this morning. I had several back-and-forth exchanges with old pals yesterday. For my part, I got over the events of last week as most of us have who have been to a war or three. The rising state of emotion about what was, […]

Life & Island Times: Theme Song for Our Times?

Editor’s Note: There is a lot of emotion in the air this week. As a senior retiree, I hope for peace and understanding. That seems to be in short supply at the moment. A large percentage of people seem think everything is fine. Another large percentage think they have witnessed a large Federal Crime. I […]