Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: Eat It and Like It

Let me briefly interject into my ongoing, but hopefully soon to end, unMuellering to say that Easter Sunday morning’s musing about my early years were spiced by W’s surprise provision of Asian 5-spice bacon (an unredacted recipe is below). We learned how to make this courtesy of our southernmost friend Rose C, who we suspect […]

Life & Island Times: UnMuellering

Gentle Readers, given the events of last week, Marlow has struck out in an adventure that includes collusion, of a sort, one generation reflecting change against the one that give them life. Balancing the joy of a crisp morning and full light creeping up the pastures, I gave a prayer of thanks for the things […]

Life & Island Times: Tin Can Sorrows

Several of us are dismayed by the antics of the Government we once served, attempting to do so with honor. Oh well, this is Marlow’s take on other events in the extraordinary (and banal) events in Your Nations Capital.This one refers to the Swift Greyhounds of The Fleet, or what is better known as Tin […]

Life & Island Times: Slip Sliding Away

This is a story from Brother Marlow which was sent a week or two back. At the time, he did not regard it as prime time, and needed to have some time in the settling pond to ripen. The events of the last two days- Government officials like Attorney General Barr actually saying thing we […]

Life & Island Times: This Cat’s Old Bones

Another bad, two-week long cold just ended. Hopefully, this concluded what had become an unending, multi-month spate of bad colds and a case of pneumonia. Feeling blue, I wrote a short piece after a chat with my pal Vic about this devilish winter’s ills that went something like: “Hey, Vic.” “Yeah, Marlow, what’s happening, man?” […]

Life & Island Times: Marlow & Boats on Mardi Gras

Marlow & Boats on Mardi Gras Editor’s Note: I got two updates on the rites of Spring this week and felt they were worth sharing with those friends who, in the famous words of Key West Conch Republic crooner Michael McCloud, who are still “freezing their asses Up North.” Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 13.47.25.png (This […]

Life & Island Times: Paris in Brief

We strongly recommend dining at Le Coupe Chou Paris is . . . a great, if not the greatest, idea of man the best place to visit, if not reside an unending feast for the mind, heart and soul mankind’s hometown where the good are sent on judgement day history, beauty and life itself elegance […]

À bientôt, Paris!

I never had a perfect moment during my many motorcycle road trips. It just wasn’t very important for me to have one of them. Maybe because one would have told me that it was time to go home . . . Plus it was so much effort to plan and map out such a movie […]

Life & Island Times: Motorcycle Boy Blues

Youth is gone A tear in your eye All alone with your toys You wonder why What is this thing Happenin to you Motorcycle boy blues Motorcycle boy blues Had things so together Now they’re fallin apart Rode the winds With all your heart If it just don’t work It’s not because of you Motorcycle […]

Life & Island Times: Riding Lessons

After an 18 year hiatus from motorcycle riding, I decided in my late 40s to begin again. I decided to take a three day safety riding course that, if passed, would exempt me from displaying my skills at the local DMV, when applying for my Virginia driver’s license endorsement as a legal two wheeled rider. […]