Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: Red Death Chapter Four

Marlow was arc’ing and sparking in front of his large screen composing himself and his outline when his boss stuck his head in. “Listen, if you want, you can put together a one-liner on the ‘Red Death’ business. We’ll forward it up the chain by the end of the day.” Without waiting for an answer, […]

Life & Island Times: Red Death Chapter Two

Large Screen Display RAT CRAP! It was shaping up to be just another Mark 1 Mod 0 standard Navy day in the intelligence biz — the system went Tango Uniform, again, so Marlow went off on a hunt for a two day old pastry and the latest rumors on this year’s Commanding Officer reorganization in […]

Life & Island Times: Red Death Chapter Three

Perhaps more importantly, Lt Marlow’s career depended on it. His other analytical pieces had been in endless loops of internal editing. Mostly this consisted of quibbling as to who discovered what, when and so forth — credit for new ideas, no matter how inconsequential, had to be shared upward from the Suitland trenches with the […]

Life & Island Times: Red Death

Author’s note: It’s Red October time on the Korean peninsula and the observable realities look bad. In reaction, the Irish optimist inside me decided to dwell inside a fantasy about the outcome. So, with a tip of the combo cover to Tom Clancy, the CIA, and Jack Ryan here is a short, serialized, not-ready-for-prime time […]

Life & Island Times: The Day After Is No Longer The Day After

Dozens may die and hundreds may be injured today, but tomorrow we’ll be shopping online and eating dinner out. And a day or maybe a week later, we’ll be watching if not be consumed by yet another record breaking catastrophe. Thank heavens, yesterday’s, last week’s, last month’s and this past spring’s nightmares in Las Vegas, […]

Life & Island Times: Vanishing Key West

Editor’s Note: I am deeply sympathetic to Marlow’s views of one of the most remarkable cities in America, a place so zany and fun that it once “seceded” from the United States to form an independent Conch Republic- a sort of Mouse That Roared moment in between drinks at the Green Parrot or Captain Tony’s. […]

Life & Island Times: Stewpot Images of The Voodoo Two

Author’s Note: I wrote this over the weekend. I delayed sending it out this morning with the expectation that they would dial it back or at least pause. Oh well . . . . – Marlow Stewpot Images of The Voodoo Two It started during last year’s summer heat wave during the mirage of an […]

Life & Island Times: Walking Over Miles of Bad Road

They are careless men with tired minds Can’t see the darkness in front of them, or the light that is just behind They insult one another while sipping fine champagne They both should pale when they stare into the other’s eyes Should we expect to wake up tomorrow under azure skies Or should we be […]

Life & Island Times: Flea Market Washington DC

For those of us who inhabit the American heartland of old Cadillacs, flatlands and flea markets, our national politicans conjure supposed real deals seasoned with a peculiar dash of our unique pop culture affinity for new frontiers and adventure. It has always been a marvel how lame their blandishments are. Openly small-timey about the country […]

Life & Island Times: A Few Parting Irma In(s)anities

Yes, another major hurricane is pushing its way westward across the Atlantic, perhaps it’ll make it to the US east coast. But if that occurs, it’ll be next week. So, let us briefly relax and review. I used to think that the full moon brought out man’s inner crazy. While the police departments and the […]