Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: First

Editor’s Note: Marlow starts us off on several tales of wonder involving his experience in The Coastal Empire. It is a place that can draw you right in. – Vic First Savannah’s River Street in the 1970s Savannah’s River Street 2022 During my first visit to the Empire almost 50 years ago, the big empty […]

Life & Island Times: Departure

Editor’s Note: Marlow is visited by the miracle of Sunday Morning just as we were. Salut! -Vic Author’s Note: In May, 60 years had passed since elementary school. Some old friends from those days reached out recently and memories flowed. This resulted. -Marlow Departure Most of us didn’t want to be a product of our […]

Life & Island Times: Life by the Numbers

Editor’s Note: This just in from Marlow in his Coastal Empire! – Vic Thus far during my life I have put on and taken off my underwear at least 26,500 times had ~7.9 million heart beats a FICO score > 825 0 parole or inmate numbers that I know of participated in disbarring 2 lawyers […]

Life & Island Times: (Summertime) 101 (Blues)

Editor’s Note: Refuge Farm was awash in light gray fog as the Writer’s Section expressed desire and lethargy just before dawn. We had hoped the grand Planetary Alignment would be visible around 45-minutes before the Piedmont dawn. Instead, we got cool nondescript gray tendrils of fog across the south-eastern pastures. Our media friends say we […]

Life & Island Times: Ch-ch-change, chump change

We here in the Empire have been treated to lowered gas prices for some time, since our state leaders passed a gasoline tax holiday almost three months ago. Here’s a photo (taken this morning) of one such service station along a nearby Georgia route where the average low-test gallon price range is around $4.30. So, […]

Life & Island Times: As I see it

Editor’s Note: We are running a twin spin on current events this morning, featuring both existential threats and an appreciation of the natural world this morning. The Writer’s Section at Refuge Farm is unified in support of the approaches taken by our Shipmates Arrias and Marlow. The situation confronting us will take some honest, serious […]

Life & Island Times: Goodbye, Good Times

Author’s Note: ​We were hosting dinner earlier this week for two bright, lovely, hardworking millennials, when one asked about the possibility of a recession. We told them we were in one already. That stopped them short, so we stayed silent on the recent things observed and measured locally — long term, non-volatile rolling average price […]

Life & Island Times: We, They, Us, Them

We call out and they claim to be the answer We are the wishers, and they our fulfilment We are the night, and they the day What else? It is perfect enough It is perfectly complete Us and them What more . . . Strange, how we suffer in spite of this But they don’t […]

Life & Island Times: Savannah Trains of Thought

When I stop for a train at an in-town Savannah RR crossing near our home, I see those lovely old boxcars with their faded painted lettering, those flat cars and those fat round tankers all lined up slowly rolling by, and I get quiet inside. I get what other men get from other things. I […]

Life & Island Times: Marlow’s A B C’s

Editor’s Note: There was controversy at the Fire Ring this morning. The blue skies that bathed us in the sun’s glories are departing. Rain is returning. Amanda was concerned about some research that had been sparked by a visit to the National Cemetery here in Virginia’s Piedmont. That prompted an examination of some historic events […]