Cherry Blossoms
It is not that it is a slow news day- there is plenty to talk about and my usual suspects have been all agog with the announcements and legacy stuff that is flying around. I am going to studiously ignore it.
I have had the air pressure come out of my interest in the continuing carnival. The Social Wars appear to define everything, and current events are reported in several now-formulaic narratives regardless of the facts.
Besides, there will be plenty of time to get engaged in what is to come over the next endless year and a half, and I see no point in getting agitated now. Better to stop and view the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin- this is the weekend that they peak, and that has nothing to do with anything except the gentle rhythm of the season.
I should be down at the farm working to get the property ready for the first cutting of the pastures and inspecting the pines to see what other ones need to be preemptively felled. Instead, I am up in Arlington instead of down on the farm. My son and his bride are in town and they are brining my grandson to brunch and kindly invited me to come along. That will be a high point in a week otherwise tinged with a bit of personal and professional melancholy.
I won’t bother you with the details- it even bores me.
Listening to News and Traffic on the Eights, it seems that the collective madness of the Cherry Blossom Festival is happening as I type, and the streets near the Mall are closed as they marshal participants in the Parade.
I had planned on taking a cab to avoid the perils of District parking. I think that plan is out the window. Metro it is, despite my jaundiced eye about public transportation and crowds. We will see how that works. I have to see my grandson, you know?
Copyright 2015 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303