Coming and Going

Coming and Going

Nope. No year in review or any of the stuff that would have required the effort to compile some of the astonishing stuff about what will be a pivotal year in a time that will have a name undetermined as yet. It will rival the power of the “Gilded Age” or the “Roaring Twenties” since we did both only louder. We just haven’t figured out what it is going to be yet, and it might start to come in this New Year.

Kristina had a story from out of town that she liked and Creative Section Lead DeMille told her to follow up on the compiled LawFare Lunacy while he started celebrations early over at Army Navy Country Club where the membership expires tomorrow. She took the opportunity to hand in a story from Gig Harbor about a 6’4” biologic male accused of assault by his cellmate in a woman’s prison.

We know, we know, Legal already told us to drop it. But in that stop-by visit before the buton push and a start to celebrations, there was discussion of the STEM stuff- Science & Math. And the chaos in education, in which new teachers in New Jersey no longer have to pass basic skills tests. Sort of a classic message at this change of years.

So, Legal left to do her thing about how to handle the H1-B Visa thing. The controversy seems to be over admission of immigrants who actually graduated from some level of schooling, mostly in English. We didn’t view that as controversial, since everyone else seems to be admitted at will. DeMille asked Melissa has a handle on it since she is in that “first job” thrash trying to establish a career here in the FMC.

Kristina has some George Mason classmates are under arrest for explosives charges as part of their STEM experiments which led to a discussion over Chock Full O’ Nuts on the patio about some of the comings and goings on this day in 1879.

It was a similar Eve in a different century. Thomas Edison gave the first public demonstration of the incandescent lamp in Menlo Park, New Jersey, to showcase the potential of lighting by electricity. He did it New Year’s so we would not celebrate the event in years ending in zeros.

Which we have many more of these days.

In Mellisa’s take on today’s Fifteen Minute County news, the real estate market is in a dizzying swirl at the moment. Two large structures in Clarendon have been slated for transformation from mixed-use office space to a hotel and 200 upscale apartments. They are eleven story towers so that is what will shape the new year to come. The neighborhood will be a little younger and with a certain post-woke sensibility.

Maybe. But some of it is happening now. There is a Christmas Eve ruling from the US Second Circuit on one of the Trump Trials that caused some flurry yesterday and today Matthew M. Graves announced his resignation as U.S. attorney for the District.

Graves had prosecuted people accused in the Capitol disturbance in 2021. So, that is an indication of the sorts of real estate that will be coming available.

The FBI is investigating the breach, but there was also some talk about relocating the headquarters to Fargo, North Dakota. Moving in and moving out. We hope to have more tomorrow.

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra

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