Out on the Patio, the Writer’s Section was taking a Sunday approach to original works of creative energy. There were a couple lingering issues first brought up by Amanda, the intern in the Socotra House Legal Section. She had a Millennial approach to things, and is familiar on how LawFare works in America at this moment. She brought her concerns up through middle management and managed to get three layers up the chain before someone imposed disapine.
Amanda’s concern was that an insensitive appreciation could wind up with an adrenaline-fueled attorney sitting across the aisle in a court of law- civil or criminal we were not sure. What Amanda noticed was the little bold-face phrase that appears increasingly on anything controversial. And controversy is what we are all about.
This is a draft version of the Disclaimer. We have agreed not to use the actual names of public fixtures, since computing power can be harnessed to check what anyone says about anything. We hate to leave anything to ambiguity, but see no reason to invite attention by saying something we think is worth saying but now can be wrapped in a frivolous lawsuit that will bankrupt the company and have us all on the street.
Our Chief Barrister complimented Amanda on leaning into crisis and asked her to do a draft of a two-track disclaimer that will protect us from liability while still being able to say what we mean. Here is what she brought back to share with the people who actually generate strings of words. Here is her first try, we adopt as part of the Chairman’s desire to avoid legal peril while maintaining some awareness of the really strange stuff going on out there.
“The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Socotra House Publications and its various subsidiaries. We can accept no responsibility, since “Compliance with existing law is Good!” Management is fully committed to full compliance with anti-defamation and any official cited in Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 88.”
Next time you see the phrase it will probably be at the top right under the date, lead photo and title.
Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra