One Of the Other Shoes

It is Flag Day, and the President’s birthday. And the release of a political stink bomb.

Well, thank goodness we don’t have to talk about th G7 or North Korea any more. I guess it was a factor of the air transit times to the Straits of Malacca. There was too much to process about information passed mostly by Twitter.

Today was Dee Tag for the FBI. Inspector General Horowitz finally issued his report on the first act of the appalling conduct of the senior officials of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation during the last election cycle.

As predicted, there are some alarming things contained in the report. I will let the speed-readers sort all that out, The initial reports just confirm what we knew all along, though of corse it was worse. That strange Anthony Weiner There were hundreds of thousands of official emails, including classified ones, on the laptop he shared with his then-wife Huma. And that Weiner ought to have twenty years added to his prison sentence for sexting a minor inappropriate images.

We are going to rage about Hillary, Huma, Comy, Lynch and the crew for a while before the next big thing comes along in the Twitterstream. I think if the past is precedent they will all be allowed to slink off the stage.

Who is actually going to be throw under the bus to pay penance for clear violations of US Code? Peter Strzok? Lisa Page?

Since we already have him in custody, why don’t we just give everyone else’s potential sentences for him to serve?

Copyright 2018 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra

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