Postcard From The Swamp: First Cut
There is a dizzying amount of stuff percolating up from the fetid waters of the Tidal Basin here in DC.
It was not an unprecedented event- Attorney General Barr decided not to show up up an inquisition by House of Representative staff attorneys, though he did appear before the more user-friendly Senate committee yesterday.
Eric Holder, Mr. Obama’s self-proclaimed wingman, was held in contempt for less, but what the heck. No consequences. I think semi-seclusion at Refuge Farm makes a lot more sense. That and the sign posted next to the circular drive that says “Welcome! Come back with a warrant.”
So all that stuff is going on up north, but there is something more. My landscaper got back from Thailand over the weekend, and he did the First Cut of the season. That is to say, Frank cut the pastures and the front yard, edged everything against the verdant Spring growth, and left me a better and well-trimmed property-owner.
The purple is gone from the trees and the green is coming on, big time. Summer is a’comin. Bless our seasons. It makes life seem like it is actually real.
Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.
Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra