Rocket’s Red Glare


Gentle Readers,

I commend today’s installment of “Life and Island Times” to your attention as our faithful correspondent Marlow ticks off a couple hundred reasons he will be missing Key West from the vantage of a new home on the Mainland.

I share a little of his passion for the lovely Key at the southernmost end of the United States. What a loony and delightfully demented place it is!

I had the opportunity to attend a meeting festooned with operators, spooks, scientists, four-stars and former Secretaries, and found my passion for history, and the wonders that this nation accomplished in the past, and the great things it can do when it sets it’s collective mind to do so.

I wish I could say more, but alas, I cannot, any more than any of us could in the past. Suffice it to say that we considered strategy, implementation, training, sources and methods, and the constant burden of deterrence. It was heady stuff, and all the people in the room had contributed significantly to success.

Suffice it to say, as we sweep toward the celebration of our Independence, I am not dragged down by the sordid events of this time, but buoyed by the memory of the great sacrifices that made us the envy of the world. Anyone who bets against us is holding a losing hand.

I would prefer to consider that, amid the glory of the Rocket’s Red Glare.

I will be reporting on that from the road.

Happy 4th of July- our Independence Day!



Written by Vic Socotra

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