(Copenhagen Poster Child)
We took one right on the chin on that Sunday, sixty-eight years ago. There are not many who have it in living memory. The ranks thin each year. My pal the Admiral arrived in Pearl in the first week of February of 1942, and the evidence of the catastrophe was still littered all around, the clean-up barely underway. I intend to have a drink with him later, though neither the company nor the nation make much of this anniversary and I may get in trouble for my commitment to a celebratory toast to the dead, and to those who had to quit dithering and get on with things. The people on the radio mentioned the more than 2,000 Americans who died that morning, before moving on to more important dithering that is beginning in Copenhagen today. I regret that I have had to spend so much time on the perfidy of the alleged scientists who are behind the current crisis. They apparently started with a thesis, and then manipulated the data to support it. That is not science. It is propaganda, just like the inspirational message to the Conferees from the Danish schoolchildren endorsing swift action. Danish schoolchildren. One of my pals wrote to convey his concern that the climatic baby might be thrown out with the polluted temperature estimates. He points out that the Arctic Ice is melting at an alarming rate, and that “a 4 percent decrease in ocean salinity brought on by this in-flow of fresh water would be disastrous.” Like him, I am concerned about the “deep ocean conveyer”– the engine that drives our climatic balancing act as the saline-laden Gulf Stream causes the frigid arctic water to sink in the Greenland-Iceland-UK gap, etc.” We are all concerned about a lot of things, and that is one of the ones on my list. There are clearly some bad things happening in the wide world- deforestation, pollution, and the litany of others. We should take action on the things we can measure and control. But the Cap and Trade folks are playing on guilt, more than science. What don’t we try this without the manipulated data and see if it is actually warmer or not? All the complexities of the climate- the impact of sunspots (or the current lack of them) ice expansion and contraction- it is expanding in the Antarctic, after all- deep ocean convection, all the complexities that the scientists could only explain to fit the theory by changing the geologic record. It is, frankly, too hard to explain what is happening in layman’s terms, and the professionals do not have definitive answers either. That is why the bogus numbers are so important, and why any deviation from orthodoxy must be dismissed. There is something going on all right. My pal says his concern is that ultra partisan politicization of a very basic scientific issue causes us to leap from subjective data points to the “fact” of warming, and the attendant urgent need for Carbon Footprint Reduction, enforced by an implacable global state. Commentators say this is the “most important conference in history,” and I have to agree. We have a spectacular opportunity to commit the future of the world to a fraud. That they opened this conference on the 7th of December ought to give you a clue. Don’t be surprised by what is coming out of Copenhagen. At least we will be able to say that we knew we were going to get sucker punched.
Copyright 2009 Vic Socotra www.vicsocotra.com Available in RSS!
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