Swamp Postcard: Impeachment on the Potomac

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Well, ‘Tis the season, right? I have no idea where the time went. Almost Christmas; huge political circus going on, which has been swelling like discolored fruit for nearly three years.

Well, you can’t say it has not been fun.

Boeing continued it’s horrible, no good, very bad day this morning. America’s heavy space-lift capability ended with the Space Shuttle program. We were supposed to get that back with the launch of the Starliner rocket this morning. Lift off was cool, but software glitches apparently prevented an orbital insertion to dock with the International Space Station. NASA has a lot riding on this, and Boeing does as well after two major crashes have sullied its storied heritage.

So there is that- and the whole impeachment flail- as best I can tell, this has been a loser since it all started. Let’s get it over with- thought they say some of the Congressional members were actually leaving vortexes behind them as they raced to get out of town and on with their holidays. Civilians could have been injured.

Anyway, planning a quiet holiday down at the farm. I hope yours are merry and filled with hope that at some point we can start talking with one another again. They is more, of course, but as usual, I include it below.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!


Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra

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