Swamp Postcard: Modestly Believable! US Government Unified!


New world, isn’t it? I went to bed with The Rev and Ossoff in the lead in their Georgia Senate run-off races. This morning, half of them were declared victors. The other will probably be declared the winner later today. Looks very much like a unified government again with all sorts of exciting new stuff coming. How can you not be excited by higher taxes, more regulations, racial preferences enshrined in law, maybe a new flag to be protected by no cops?

What is not to like? They are even talking about new Anthem.

Fascinating and modestly exciting and believable!.

I am gratified that only modest changes emerged in the Georgia elections. The results demonstrated how Dominion voting machines were supposed to work. Modest- but modestly substantive- vote totals manipulated to be ‘believable.” Last time it did not work the way. President-elect Biden was losing so badly that the late dumps of votes were necessary. That was messy, and it was not supposed to look that way.

Last time, we needed five states to shut down counting near simultaneously, expel the fascist observers before the votes were adjusted, produce truckloads of ballots from out of state, sometimes on live TV. The truth, tortured though it might have been, now reigns supreme.

There are modestly troubling reports of the same phenomenon happening on TV last night from Georgia. 5,000 vote decrements, live, like the Antrim County, MI, swap from last November! That is when the size of what had to be done to achieve the desired result became apparent. Thankfully, the media was able to mostly cover it up, and Mr. Biden will be President! At least for a few minutes before being replaced by a dynamic woman from California. She will show us the Green way forward into rolling blackouts, open borders, racial adjustments and equity for all!

I for one remain proud of this great nation, now that we have a modestly substantive and modestly believable unified government. It has been a long time coming, and now, finally, it is here!

I am not sure what we should hope for first. Change the flag? The anthem? How about more states and an enlarged Supreme Court to manage it? This is the triumph of modestly believable machinations. We got to watch it all go down and mostly in the open. So we should cheer for our new path forward, based on our modestly believable elections. What fun!

There are some questions, of course, same as there were last March. What next? Trump is to speak to crowds in DC at 1100EST. As I type, it is unknown how large the crowds are. There were reportedly fascist mobs marching peacefully yesterday, though being Trump supporters, they could turn modestly and believably violent, though that would be modestly unbelievable given last year’s modest violence. Today, it is “Partly cloudy, temps in mid-40s” Snow would be better to make the crowds go home. But they might be a modestly credible threat to our newly re-constituted Republic. If necessary, something could be done. Modestly, of course.

This could get modesty exciting.

Copyright 202! Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra

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