Swamp Postcard: Narratives Grind On!
The delights of another week of the endless election! Much merriment here in the Old Dominion as we deal with the future of the nation we all love.
There were promises that the Kraken would be loosed this week. That was from the Trump narrative that big new truths would be unleashed that would overturn the current understanding of the election results. Looking at the Constitutional process, we have a lull in action, leading to the selection of Electoral College members on the 14th of December. The Trump narrative contains the Lawfare action in the several contested Battleground States. Many of the suits have been dismissed, others have not. Michigan is showing signs of what is happening in the fight. Wayne County, home of the Blue Bastion of Detroit, has teetered on certification of the reported results. Families of Republican members of the electoral commission have been threatened and Doxxed, or so they say, and withdrawn their interim approval. More fun to come there in the traditional miasma of Detroit voting, along with possible indications that the Dominion Voting Systems Company used in most of the state have bee subject to “glitches” which flipped Trump votes to Biden’s column in Antrim and Kent Counties. Only Trump votes flipped, by report.
There are glitches- the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act shows what happens to Information Technology in a hurry. There are also things built deliberately into the system, and stories are circulating that these events are “features” rather than bugs. Dominion is not alone in this, with reports that the other two major vote reporting organizations share the same network of backers and decision makers. Should be fun to look into that, but the current narrative being supported by the media is that former Vice President Biden won fair and square and should be afforded the privileges of the office to which he has not been declared the winner.
The longer this goes on, the more established the story becomes, and the current President is accused of obstruction and bad sportsmanship. That will lead to disputes should a Kraken story emerge. With only weeks left before things begin to happen- 12th Amendment and all that- Mr. Trump fired the Secretary of Defense and some DHS officials who claimed the election was fraud-free, one of the cleanest ever.
So what is next? I failed to predict the MAGA rally here in The Swamp, and the predictable Antifa-BLM response. My apologies on that, but one of the interesting features of the summer violence was that it was turned off as not useful. This is great stuff. One of the narratives insists that hoards of right-wing rioters are responsible for all that, and there is an old saying that if you repeat something often enough it becomes truth. That might even be true. I saw Mr. Biden standing in front of a sign saying “Office of the President Elect.” I liked it. It lends a real sense of the surreal to everything else.
Sort of like the plague. I think it is cold and flu season, and the details of COVID are a bit perplexing. The number of deaths of all kinds is just about average for this year, overall, and has been since last July. But this seems to be useful for some of the Narratives, even if Thanksgiving and Christmas may take a hit.
This is the greatest show we have done in more than a century. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!
– Vic
Copyright 2020 Vic Socotra