Swamp Postcard: Smoke, Mirrors and Flashpoints
Well, here we are at midweek, and sort of confident that the world will continue until at least tomorrow. We are walking a variety of planks strewn willy-nilly all over the globe.
It is not quite bewildering- I mean, winnowing 24 candidates for the Presidency is going to be an anguishing process over the next sixteen months. The Republicans have no process like that to go through, except for the unrelenting resurrection of the Russiagate fiasco which has now morphed into something called “Spygate.”
Key House committee Chairs- Nadler, Schiff and Cummings want the endless investigations to continue in hopes of damaging the President before the 2020 elections. The heavy lifting is being done by Judiciary and Intel, since Rep. Cummings is still doing a bit of damage control on his handling of the family finances.
I am sure he will be fine- no one has been investigating him for three years, and like our incredible leadership team here in the Old Dominion. Our Lieutenant Governor mentioned this week that the accusations of assault against him might improve his chances of replacing our current Governor when the time comes.
More un-supported allegations against Mr. Trump from a couple dozen years ago as well. The games that circle the carnival of the campaign are already tiresome and there is more than a year of this we will have to endure.
I know it is mostly hyperbole, but some of the free stuff the candidates want to offer us- by some accounts over $90 Trillion over ten years- can be laid over the unfunded pension mandates all across the country. I am pretty confident we can destroy the currency and all of our meager savings if we put our minds to it.
One nice thing here in The Swamp is that there will be no lack of entertainment over the next year. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!
Iran claims they are.
Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra