Life and Island Times – June 8 2016


A beach-goer on Tuesday morning moves away from a crashing wave at Higgs Beach in Key West

Tropical Storm Colin was downgraded to a tropical depression Tuesday as it cleared mainland Florida and headed into the open Atlantic Ocean. Forecasts for the Lower Keys include thunderstorms and highs in the upper 80s throughout the week.

This morning, there are no thunderstorms but rain, rain and more rain. We are eight days in to the six month rainy season , and it has rained every single day. So much so, that W and Marlow have been able to do little work on his TARDIS.

Yes, dear readers, they have a TARDIS or Time And Relative Dimension In Space time machine and spacecraft

While the original TARDIS was a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords (an extraterrestrial civilization), Marlow’s southernmost TARDIS is a product of Home Depot and his heretofore secret addiction to the BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who.

A properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and space. When local passersby started to stop by, inquire about, and photograph his “blue box,” he told them that most of the Conch Republic’s inhabitants arrived via a TARDIS.

BBC’s TARDIS (l); Marlow’s TARDIS with W

Tourists have now discovered it and are pausing to take photographs. Some knock on their front door to express their love and at times make offers to buy it. For the most part, they are exceedingly polite and delighted to finally be near a TARDIS.

Most of them likely think Marlow and W are just madmen with a blue box. Well, they most definitely are wasting time, but there are rules for that:

  • Time is not the boss of them (Rule 408).
  • Never knowingly be serious (Rule 27).

Copyright © 2016 From My Isle Seat

Written by Vic Socotra

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