The Deliberative Body
This is a curious morning in your nation’s Capital. We wrote a brief appreciation of that event this morning with the intent to describe it with a humorous approach about how our public servants reward the taxpayers with their private conduct. This one happened in the Hill’s Senate Hart Building. We would have to run an explanatory footnote explaining that acts of intimacy have been noted there before, but none have subsequently been posted to the web.
At least the one we look at.
Our account drifted into the footnotes quickly. One of them is that we don’t care what people of any age-appropriate cadres do in the privacy of their own homes. The “marriage” thing still rankles, since we thought the term “partnership” would have been a solution that raised further feathers and would have accommodated the issue as presented in that Congressional cycle.
This week the act of intimacy placed on display What caused some guffaws around the Production Meeting table was the idea that we could progress swiftly from terminology changes to the lexicon of public speech to something odder. That would be the position of a Senate employee captured where he was on the desktop Senator Blumenthal also uses to rest important legislation.
There is a steady undercurrent of conversation comparing the America of today with the Fall of Rome. Regrettably, no Forum videos have survived the end of that Empire.
After the laughter died down, we tried to imagine the implications since we were resolved that we wouldn’t actually mention the specifics of the event on a hearing table in the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body. But goodness, this is hurtling a great speed, isn’t it?
Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra