The Minor Aggravations…
the minor aggravations of death
Another one in our aging family is always coming, so a family reunion is perforce rising on the distant event horizon
Yes, another parade of the haunted casualties of irreparable damage in the crucible of life whether at birth or some other large or small fork in one’s life road
Tales of soul-killing abuse decanted upon them from flawed beakers of memory
A parade of crosses up the hill toward Calvary
Roomfuls of spirit killers
Neurotics . . . . endless and fascinating
Family reunion Venus flytraps holding sweet poison
Distempers and aggravations
Solitary misfits
Shitpot stirrers
Uncontrollable tongues
The family crazy . . . easy to find hard impossible to lose forget
Passionate and primitive in one easy bake Roman Catholic box of lunatics, nutcases, borderlines, and psychos
A legitimate no-shit cliche of larger than life
I’m bringing the popcorn and got dibs on some good seats
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