The Mouse That Roared
( Screenshot from the Hollywood production of The Mouse. I think they had a big cannon, too!)
That may be the only partly political note in this- the reference to the old musical comedy millions of us in the Boomer generation recall from middle-school dramatics. It was one of those shows that featured great costumes, bombastic performances and wild merriment. With the exception of the last, we citizens appear to be putting on a junior high school performance of modest value but high humor and enthusiasm.
So, here we are. I certainly understand the happiness of those who considered Mr. Biden as physically able to complete even a few months in his new job. That is one of the humorous strands in the production. That and the gowns Senator Harris will be able to flaunt as she becomes our first Woman President.
Imagine a production featuring a bloated Orange Creature amid the dance numbers!
It is going to be great. With the Congress gridlocked, we have entered into a new world where governance is performed by executive order, due to the medical emergency depicted by a big blue blob with flashing lights. In this version of the comedy, smaller scenes are played out by the unfettered performers in little huddles across the stage who take their plot lines to the King (or Queen) for implementation.
I think you can imagine the songs and chorus in the background. There would be a big dark-colored Dias that revolves through the cast with a feature player in a black robe periodically thundering judgement at he assembled cast. It is going to be great theater- and of course, the Judge will have a huge part in the finale when everyone goes nuts!
So, I got on Amazon and ordered more popcorn. Mail deliveries are still good and reliable, just as they are elsewhere. This is going to be tremendous. But I bet we will see a resolution- or more likely a episodic transition to something really exciting. It is, after all, a double feature.
They just won’t tell us what it is.
Copyright 2020 Vic Socotra