Useful Metaphors

Useful Metaphors

(Vapor, Splash and Vic preparing to provide water to Richmond).

There was good news flying around that made everybody laugh. There’s a new child coming into this world just starting where many of us are getting ready to leave. So there was that and there was a lot to talk about.

Each one could have blog for the day, or someone to collate the messaging streams to see what’s actually happening.. The Fires set the tone and we ran out of useful metaphors,

There’s a lot to talk about this morning and we’re not going to even try the one overseas that we were considering running, which explains nicely the problem with Palestine. There isn’t one, since they are neighbors, tenents and sometimes landlords. But see? That goes to anoyher story, a pat on the side of a car blown up in 1947 Jerusalem and maintained as a memorial. DeMille was wrestling with the streams of joy and anguish.

His problem is management of metaphors. They are running thin with events that will be historic all by themselves as manifestation of the techologic, merit and generational change.

Splash was on that. He gad done budgeting for one of the smaller defense programs- a dozen billion back then, so a signicant now. He said: “it’s all predictable. Which isn’t to say that anyone did anything wrong intentionally, they just changed prioities the best they could. That is why everything is broken. The funds allocated to prepare for future events are often utilized for other vital purposes just in time for the event to arrive.

Rocket was going to services, so he was in winter slacks. At the exit, he turned and said: “They are without drinking water in Richmond. This is simultaneous with infrastructure failures in LA. Problem was “deferred maintainance” which brought laughter. “Hegseth nomination for SECDEF goes live Tuesday. The winds in LA are supposed to be rising again.

“This is a historic moment,’ said DeMille. “You can use the Sharpie pen on the calendar…”

Copyright 2025 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra