Weather Report: Our Best People Are On It!

The Writers Section at Refuge Farm threatened an update on Energy for this week. We have not reconsidered that matter, though the perspective on the issue has been as transitory as some other issues are not. The dead-even balance in the Senate between Blue and Red is clearly the factor this week, and Senator Joe Manchin of West-by-God is the critical pivot on a massive new spending bill that is not supposed to impact Inflation, the number one issue for American voters.

That is a matter of some discussion. It sounds like Joe was playing for advantage for his State, which is what he is supposed to do, but it is also being played out across a spectrum of activity not previously known even in Washington. The short answer? Some people think the world is ending and want to do everything they can to save us. Or at least some of us. We are not clear on exactly who that might be, but with more than 8 Billion humans on the planet and a “sustainable” level being a matter of speculation. Some say it could amount to only 10% of those currently alive, so they have been keeping that part sort of quiet.

Who is doing this speculation is a matter of interest for those who may not agree, since the consequences obviously are fairly severe. But it is a matter of interest in what was the most powerful nation on earth. According to polls this morning- some polls, anyway- a massive 1% of the voting population agree there is a crisis, and we should print three hundred billion dollars in new and imaginary cash to provide to Green Industries to put more solar panels manufactured in China over at the new site on Virginia RT-3.

This is a curious matter, since most of those imaginary dollars would wind up in the hands of political supporters of the Emergency. We understand that is how things work these days, and if we were still laboring in the trenches would try to figure out how this strange new process works and get ourselves a chunk of it.

But, with Senator Manchin’s failure to save the planet, we may go along with the new process in which the President writes up some talking points and signs them out as an Executive order. It is about Saving the Planet, after all, and making some of the salvors quite wealthy. India and China have no role in this, although they are increasing their emissions because of some unfairness caused by our Grandfathers or their Grandfathers. We naturally should have to pay for old injustices because it really is our fault or something.

We will see what kind of Executive Order comes out of this Emergency, since we now live in a society run by the current emergency. It is much more efficient than having to actually discuss the problem and make plans other than showering our political allies with cash, right?

That isn’t much to go on as an Energy Update, since the crisis may not ripen until tomorrow. But we can all take comfort in the fact that the same people working this essential effort have been hard at working on reforming Agriculture.

From what we have heard from the Farming Community out here in the Piedmont, they are having equally splendid work on that crisis, too.

Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra