What on Earth?
There could be a clarion call this morning about the Big Speech scheduled to be issued from the White House later today. It is an unusual one, since it resembles a state of the Union in a fashion unseen in 130 years sonce a non-consecutive President addressed both Houses of Congress with margins of majoity so slim as to require careful valculation. Timiming of the address is late here in Washingtonton, in fact so late that crisis areas in California ravaged by fire will need full electricity to appreciate it.
Flickers of old scourges like measles are reported across the land.
There appears to be a new sentiment abroad in the land, a mild one that resembles something like what our young parents tentatively embraced cautiously. It was a thing some of them called “Good Government.” It included some aspects of perfectly ordinary Common Sense. Like the war on Biology, which drove the ostensible good of Fairness into new weird incarnations of racism and men parading about as caricatures of something feminine and central to our natural life.
Remember the War on Family, black and white, and Daniel Patrick Moynahan’s warning about the consequences? Wearer now raising a generation of military age young men without fathers and a wave of young women attempting to raise children alone. It is baffling.
Today, we seem to be rejecting the lunacy as we discover our family budgets have been wildly overspent in a new de denomination of “trillions.” The extravagance will overwhelm us without a common sense look at the books that apparently show we are paying social security benefits to Americans 150 years of age. We may hear about that tonight if we are not dozing.
Common sense may be returning, but trust has been riddled with lies and we will move slowly to determine what we can unravel.
Some progress has recently been made, but we are going to have to watch carefully. The announced trade war may not be the way to approach it, though it starts with peace. But showering dollars on kinetic war only dances with disaster with energetic young men reaching for the contents of our wallets. We at Socotra House will attempt to stay awake for the joint address. That is the sort of common sense approach Mom would have liked. And Dad would have reminded us the first beneficiaries if military aid are the families of those who build the weapons, you know?
Let’s see if we can apply some common sense, find truth where tatters remain, and be strong for Peace.
We personally seem to be healing from dramatic surgery on real flesh here in Washington and it is a relief. We will see if that is actually true and go from there!