When Worlds Collide

WORLDS COLLIDE title-0619-15

It was cheerful anarchy at Willow last night. Partially Australian
anarchy, though the group was civil even as it became more
lubricated and efficient.

It was a George Costanza episode of Seinfeld- the one in which
worlds collide. There were senior Naval Intelligence People, and
the 18 bright and personable students from Down Under, and the
usual suspects at the Amen Corner, and a bunch of new people
packing the bar for the special limited release beer night.

Fred had brought the group up to get dipped in DC and the
culture of national security as it is practiced here in
Baghdad-on-the-Potomac, and for most it was the first encounter
with our strange little hot-house, one-industry town.


At the bar, the offerings included a great line-up from Stone Brewing Company: three tasty IPAs, a Ruination Double IPA, and Mutt Brown Ale. The Aussies were most happy about it, that and Willow Burger sliders, crafted from house-smoked local beef, smoked Cheddar cheese, pickled red onions and Dijionaise sauce, Tracy’s famous BBQ wings, house smoked, dry-rubbed and fried, and then the tasty Baja-style Fish Tacos.

Heather had reserved the cocktail nook at the front of the bar, and that would have been fine except the special beer event filled up the middle of the bar and the two groups began to flow toward each other, filling up Old Jim’s personal drinking space, which can be a dangerous thing to do.

The monster thunderstorms that swept through town forced everyone in, severely (though temporarily) increasing the specific density at the bar. It was an impressive storm- which knocked out traffic lights and some of the electricity, but thankfully not at Willow.

Frankie the new bartender from Michigan, Jasper, Marvin and Brett held down the taps and poured the drinks with wild abandon. Finally it was dry enough for people to venture back out onto the patio, and the crush lessened.

The seniors from the intelligence side of the house were generous with their time and the students were polite and curious. A great event. The worlds indeed collided- the regulars wound up talking to the Aussies, the Aussies talked to everyone and the beer and food were plentiful.

I think we all got something useful out of it- from my perspective, I love hearing the views from of the young people of a nation that looks north to the Equator. Things are strange all over, you can almost hear the tectonic plates of history grinding away at each other in the South China Sea as China flexes it’s muscles.

Life does not get better than the session at Willow with worlds colliding and all. After the sad events of the day reported from South Carolina, it was just what we needed. Honestly, the world is giving us some sad and interesting challenges these days.

Copyright 2015 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

Written by Vic Socotra

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